Boston Design Week

How might we create tangible experiences around data by engaging senses beyond the visual? Come explore the future of tangible data experience through multisensory data physicalization!

DataWagashi's inaugural event took place on April 29, 2023 with its notable appearance on Boston Design Week. The sold-out event featured a comprehensive designer talk about the project, group discussion, DataWagashi design workshop, a tasting and social.

The Talk

The Workshop

The Tasting

The Social

Here is a quote from one of our audience, Zhixing Fei: 

I had the pleasure to attend Tiange and I-Yang’s lecture and event in Boston Seaport and was deeply impressed by their innovative ideas and results! Unlike anything I’ve seen before, their wagashi—aJapanese dessert— ACTUALLY manifested all the images and information they intended to. The concept could seem obscure at the first glance, but I strongly recommend anyone interested in new art forms and mediums to check out their work, or even better, join an in-person session, where you’d get to taste their Wagashi!

Sponsor: Boston Design Week

Space: Amazon Boston, Seaport

Photographer: Huiwen Shi